Inside JavaScript Execution Context

4 min readFeb 12, 2024


Have you ever wondered how JavaScript code actually works? It all boils down to the fundamental concept of the execution context. This mysterious environment dictates how your code is run, where variables live, and how functions interact. But fear not, JavaScript newbies! This article will break down the execution context into easy-to-understand steps, making you a JavaScript guru in no time.

In JavaScript, understanding the execution context is crucial for comprehending how code runs and interacts with its environment. Each time a script is executed, it operates within an execution context, which consists of two essential steps: memory allocation and execution.

The global execution context

Arguments Object & This keyword:

When using traditional functions in JavaScript, each function call creates its own execution context, which includes an arguments object and a this keyword. The arguments object contains all the arguments passed to the function, and the this keyword refers to the context in which the function is called.

Behavior of Arrow Functions:

However, arrow functions behave differently. They do not create their own execution context but instead inherit the arguments object and this keyword from their surrounding lexical context (the context in which they are defined).

Inheritance within Arrow Functions:

This means that within an arrow function:

  • The arguments object refers to the arguments of the enclosing non-arrow function.
  • The this keyword refers to the this value of the enclosing non-arrow function.

Global Context Inheritance:

If an arrow function is not enclosed within another function, it simply does not have its own arguments object or this value. Instead, it inherits these values from the global context (such as the window object in a browser environment) or the nearest non-arrow function lexical context.

Understanding for Effective Use:

Understanding this behavior is essential for using arrow functions effectively and avoiding unexpected results when accessing arguments or this within them. It also highlights the differences between arrow functions and traditional functions in JavaScript.

Every Execution Context in JavaScript Follows Two Key Steps:

Execution Context in Javascript

Memory Allocation:

  • During this step, variables and functions declared within the execution context are allocated memory space. However, their initial values are set to undefined.
  • Essentially, memory allocation prepares the framework for storing data, ensuring that variables and functions are recognized and reserved within memory, albeit without defined values.


  • Subsequently, the code within the execution context is executed, and variables and functions are assigned their actual values.
  • This phase involves executing statements, evaluating expressions, and carrying out operations specified in the code. For example, if there are console logs or function calls, they are processed during this step.
  • As part of execution, variables are initialized with values, functions are invoked, and the program’s logic is executed according to the order specified in the code.
// Function to showcase execution context
function exampleFunction() {
console.log("Inside exampleFunction");
console.log("Value of x:", x); // Accessing variable x

// Memory allocation phase
var x; // Declaring variable x (memory allocated, value set to undefined)

// Execution phase
x = 10; // Assigning value 10 to variable x

// Calling the function

Understanding these two steps provides insight into how JavaScript manages data and executes code. By grasping the process of memory allocation followed by execution, developers gain a clearer understanding of how their code interacts with the JavaScript environment. This comprehension is foundational for writing efficient, well-organized code and diagnosing potential issues during development.

It’s worth noting that certain JavaScript features, such as arrow functions, do not create their own execution context. This means they do not have their own arguments object or this keyword, unlike regular functions. This behavior can impact how variables and functions are accessed within arrow functions compared to traditional functions.

By comprehending the fundamentals of execution context, developers can write more efficient and organized code. They gain insights into how JavaScript manages memory and executes code, enabling them to troubleshoot issues and optimize performance effectively.

In conclusion, delving into execution context elucidates the underlying mechanics of JavaScript code execution, facilitating a deeper understanding of the language and enhancing proficiency in web development.




Written by h


A girl who geeks with space and art, coder by day, artist by night :))

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